Youth Fishing Opening Day Trout Season at Biscuit City Preserve
Saturday, April 13th 2024 (Fishing starts at 6:00 a.m.)
Want to teach your kids how to fish? Join the opening day of trout season at the youth-only fishing Scott Evans Memorial Pond at Biscuit City Preserve in Kingston on April 9th.
The pond will be stocked with brook and rainbow trout beforehand. SKLT staff and skilled volunteers will be on hand to assist as needed.
No registration required. Fishing begins at 6:00 am. Staff/volunteers will be on site until 4:00 pm. ONLY children ages 14 and under may fish.
Located on Ledgewood Road in Kingston, the pond is in a restored historical area that includes hiking trails, natural plantings, and the ruins of the old Biscuit City Mill.
2019 marked the reopening of the pond as a “youth fishing pond” (14 and under) thanks to the combined efforts of SKLT and the RI Department of Environmental Management. Perhaps the best feature of the site is easy handicap access and ample parking, making it ideal for young children, parents and grandparents.
The pond was originally dedicated to Scott Evans, a child who was struck by a car while fishing from a bridge and died in 1974. In its early days the pond was dredged and stocked with trout by the RIDEM but over time the pond filled in with silt and eventually was dropped from the stocking program. Ellen Grebstein, a Biscuit City neighbor and SKLT Board Director spearheaded an effort to restore the pond habitat and youth fishing. RIDEM incorporated the pond as a RIDEM Youth Fishing Pond.