EverGreen members have made a legacy commitment and have included the South Kingstown Land Trust in their estate plans. Their vision for SKLT will ensure that the lands we protect, today and in the future, will preserve in perpetuity the natural beauty and sense of place that is South Kingstown, now and for generations to come.
- Ira and Karen Asher
- Jim and Karin Aukerman
- Clare Bailey*
- Helen and Herb* Behrens
- Bob Blakely
- Zenas Bliss*
- Jim* and Susie Bowers
Heather Mae & Frank Breau
Judy Bucklen - Ian and Gloria Callard
- Mark and Diane Cantwell
- Leslie Chouinard
- Clarkson A. Collins
- Eliza Collins
- Albert Darbey
Martha Day - Donna Dexter
- James & Hope Farrell
- Eric Harrah*
- Tracy Heffron
Janet Innis - Eve Krzyzanowski
- Charles and Cornelia Lewis
- Sophie Page Lewis
- Chris and Michelle Little
- Kevin and MaryLee McDonough
- Jeff and Pam Mead
- Henry and Nod Meyer*
- Chris Ogden and Linda Fusilier
- Anne and Jim O’Neill
- Tom and Helen Rowe Drake
- Paul and Barbara Schurman
- MaryAnn Scott
- Michael Sherry and Jan Anthony
- Janice and John Sieburth*
- Douglas Smith
Daisy Smythe - Carroll Tickner
- Ted Watson
- Eric Widmer and Meera Viswanathan
Caroline Wilkel - Ardith Wood
- Ken and Dottie Woodcock
- Anonymous (2)
- *Deceased