SKLT has more than 12 miles of hiking trails and enjoying them is easy to do. Help make managing them just as easy, by following these basic principles of trail etiquette and our staff – not to mention wildlife – will thank you.
- Pack it in, pack it out. Trails don’t have trash cans, so please pack out all your trash, leftover food and dog waste.
- Stick to the trail. Walk single file in the middle of the path to prevent erosion, minimize plant damage and avoid ticks and poison ivy.
- Leave the wheels at home. Mountain biking, ATVs and other vehicles are prohibited on our trails.
- Take nothing but photographs. Observe and enjoy, but leave natural objects like plants and rocks how you found them.
- Be a responsible dog owner. Keep your dog under control and close to you, and clean up after your pet. Dog waste takes a full year to decay, and when left on the ground, bacteria and parasites in it can remain in the ground for years.
- If you see something that needs attention, please call the office at 789-0962.