Sophie Clode

As an accredited land trust and holder of conservation easements, it is SKLT’s mission and legal responsibility to monitor every one of it’s protected properties at least once a year.

Monitoring visits, completed by both staff and volunteers, ensures there are no encroachments or conservation easement violations on SKLT’s protected land. These visits involve walking and securing the property boundaries while surveying the overall state of the property and making relevant observations.

Every year, SKLT hosts Monitoring Day, an annual opportunity for volunteers to help the land trust in its monumental task of monitoring all 3,070+ acres of its protected land.

Volunteers first gather at the SKLT Barn for instructions and supplies and then visit one or more chosen properties, walk the boundaries, and report back to SKLT per the monitoring instructions. Since 2022, staff and volunteer monitors have been using the Landscape app, a web and mobile app built for managing land conservation data and projects.

Please view a monitoring tutorial for the Landscape App: Landscape App Monitoring Tutorial

Keep an eye out for Monitoring Day and to send questions, please contact or 401-789-0962.